Basic Information
Type Guild Fortune
Story Branches 7

Lv10. Mysterious Voice

With Patsykin's help, your destiny will be revealed.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv10. Mysterious Voice
Prepare to hear your destiny!
It's a buffalo-it can swim!
A hungry buffalo will eventually lose enough weight to walk over the bridge.
Lv10. Mysterious Voice
Prepare to hear your destiny!
Suhaka le Basto!
Basto le Suhaka!
Lv10. Mysterious Voice
Prepare to hear your destiny!
My equipment.
My wallet.
Lv10. Mysterious Voice
Prepare to hear your destiny!
Lv10. Mysterious Voice
Prepare to hear your destiny!
Lv10. Mysterious Voice
Prepare to hear your destiny!
Lv10. Mysterious Voice
Prepare to hear your destiny!