Basic Information
Type Northern Barrens
Story Branches 5
Level 50
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv50. The Weary Wanderer

Redd hasn't been home in years. When he finally made it back to his old house, something strange happened. Can you help him solve this mystery?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv50. The Weary Wanderer
Catch up with the traveler and find out why he's in such a hurry.
Wait a minute. Something doesn't add up here...
Lv50. Double Redds
Both of the Redds look exactly alike. This situation calls for an investigation!
They really do look exactly alike...
Lv50. Who's Who
The two Redds are fighting each other. Come up with a way to find out which one's real.
I guess the one on the left is the real Redd.
Maybe the one on the right is the real Redd.
Lv50. The Vengeful Ex
You think that the real Redd gestures more when he talks. But does your assumption really hold water?
Rewards for first completion:
DEF +3
Lv50. The Coward's Reward
You think that the real Redd wears shabbier clothes. But does your theory really hold water?
Rewards for first completion: