Basic Information
Type Western Rainforest
Story Branches 5
Level 48
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv48. Odd Man Out

You find a town guard practicing to complete the challenges the mayor has set as prerequisites for courting his daughter. The guard's next challenge is to capture a live Hornbeast! Can this infatuated young man win the heart of his one true love?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv48. Odd Man Out
You walk toward the wildly gesticulating man as you wonder what could be wrong with him.
The mayor's first challenge?
Lv48. The First Challenge
Glen is speeding in the direction of the Hornbeast. Follow him and see if he manages to complete the first challenge.
Congratulations on completing the first challenge!
Lv48. The Second Challenge
Glen has managed to catch the Hornbeast. Now he must drive away the trouble-making gribblin brothers. You follow Glen to where the gribblins usually turn up.
Attack the mage-he seems to be the one calling the shots.
Throw it at the gribblin warrior! -he seems like a halfwit.
Lv48. Art of Stone
Glen's plan is to provoke an argument by throwing stones at the gribblins. You suggest that he target the gribblin mage. Silently, you approach the pair...
Rewards for first completion:
DEF +3
Lv48. One Warrior, Many Stones
Glen's plan, by no means inspired, is to throw stones at the gribblin brothers, provoking an argument between them. You suggest that he throw stones at the gribblin Warrior. Silently, you approach the pair...
Rewards for first completion: