Basic Information
Type Western Rainforest
Story Branches 4
Level 48
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv48. Scepter? I Hardly Know Her!

The Imperial Squad has finally acquired the princess's three keepsakes. Everyone is ecstatic to finally meet their princess!
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv48. Scepter? I Hardly Know Her!
Listen to what Plymouth, Cyril and the old man have to say.
Princess Carly?
Lv48. Sword of Amazing
Listen to what Plymouth, Cadwallader and Kipling have to say.
What... is that?
Lv48. Crowning Glory
Listen to what Carter, Callie and Kipling have to say.
Look, the three keepsakes are resonating!
Lv48. Plymouth, Prince Consort
Follow the Imperial Squad to summon the princess.
Rewards for first completion:
ATK +6