Basic Information
Type Central Plain
Story Branches 5
Level 40
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv45. A Most Monstrous Mystery

Could a man be a monster?! Svennic's investigation reveals a disturbing secret...
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv45. A Most Monstrous Mystery
You notice a man lying on his stomach, hiding out in some long grass. Friend... or foe?
Err, when you say 'monster', do you mean that thing right over there?!
Lv45. And I am a Mysterious Girl
Follow Svennic to see how events unfold.
Huh? A young girl?!
Lv45. A Little Good Cop, Bad Cop
Catch up with the girl and ask her some questions.
Well, she's just a young girl-let's not be too hard on her!
She's with the monster-let's play hardball!
Lv45. When Nightmares Become Reality
Follow the girl-she'll reveal the truth about the monster!
Rewards for first completion:
DEF +3
Lv45. Beauty and the Beast
Follow the mysterious girl and try to uncover the secret of the monster.
Rewards for first completion: