Basic Information
Type Central Plain
Story Branches 4
Level 40
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv45. Dire Straits

Call pest control, and quickly! The desert is infested with savage bugs! They've been sighted before on the Central Plain, but this year, they've come earlier than usual. Can the soldiers fend them off?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv45. Dire Straits
Find out who's in charge here and discover what happened!
Okay, let's hear it-how can I help you and the squad?
Lv45. A Crystal-Clear Commission
Gil has asked you to find the commanding officer. Go seek him out!
Well... Perhaps I can help with that!
Lv45. The Crystal Bouncer
Casper enlists you to help mine some skycrystal in order to activate the S-XI mobile suits.
<br>Alright... NOW! Go, go, go! Leave the monster to me!
Lv45. Battle of the Bugs
Hurry back to Gil and lend a hand!
Rewards for first completion:
ATK +6