Basic Information
Type Central Desert
Story Branches 8
Level 30
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv30. Riddle Me This

A sinister-looking riddle statue has appeared in the desert. If you answer its riddle incorrectly, you'll be turned to gold! Ouidpas is in charge of investigating the matter...
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv30. Riddle Me This
You see someone snooping around the desert rocks and cacti, looking as if he's searching for something.
What sort of case are we talking about here?
Lv30. Riddle Me That
Accompany Ouidpas as he does some recon on the riddle statue.
Huh? Does anything like that even exist?
Drop Ouidpas a quiet hint.
Lv30. Golden, But Unseen
Follow Ouidpas and discover the statue's next riddle.
Uh, I should probably keep quiet on this one!
Ha! I know this one-the answer is 'honesty'!
Lv30. Hold the Water, Please
Follow Ouidpas and discover the statue's next riddle.
Woah, this one's a toughie. I give up!
Oh, wait! Think I know this one... Is it 'a cat'? Cats hate water...
Lv30. The Riddle of the Statue
Accompany Ouidpas to see if the statue has any other riddles for you.
Rewards for first completion:
Max HP +30
Lv30. The Riddle of the Statue
Accompany Ouidpas to see if the statue has any other riddles for you.
Rewards for first completion:
ATK +6
Lv30. The Riddle of the Statue
Accompany Ouidpas to see if the statue has any other riddles for you.
Rewards for first completion:
DEF +3
Lv30. The Riddle of the Statue
Accompany Ouidpas to see if the statue has any other riddles for you.
Rewards for first completion:
EVA +12