Basic Information
Type Southern Prairie
Story Branches 5
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv1. Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?

Men. You know one, you know 'em all. This one seems to be at a loss regarding the women in his life. Do you attempt to help him or let him wallow in his own self-entitled misery?
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv1. Did You Ever Have to Make Up Your Mind?
The man in front of you looks so down about the mouth, you'd think the whole world was resting upon his shoulders.
What is troubling this strange man?
Lv1. Cool Cat Lookin' for a Kitty
Bmitri's left to find the gem. Let's hope he's still in one piece...?
Are you okay, Bmitri?
Lv1. Do You Believe in Fortunes?
Grapevine tells of an amazing fortune teller in the area. Perhaps he can help poor, pitiable Bmitri reach the decision he so craves?
Money talks! Choose the rich man's daughter!
Love conquers all! Choose your long-term girlfriend!
Lv1. Woulda Liked You Anyway
So. Bmitri's decided upon the millionaire's daughter. Unfortunately, there's one contingency he hadn't planned on...
Rewards for first completion:
EVA +12
Lv1. What a World for a Day Dream
Bmitri's chosen his longtime girlfriend! Huzzah! But will he continue his journey?
Rewards for first completion:
SPD +24