Basic Information
Type Southern Prairie
Story Branches 4
Monster Based EXP 150
Loyalty Points 20
Guild Token 10

Lv1. The Super Special Scoundrel Snoop and Snag Squad

The Super Special Scoundrel Snoop and Snag Squad is currently hiring! Sounds like something that might be right up your alley...
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv1. The Super Special Scoundrel Snoop and Snag Squad
Seems as though he wants something from you. Might as well find out what.
Which firm again?
Lv1. Coco Bleats
Hounder asks if you couldn't look for his colleague Coco.
What exactly is the Super Special Scoundrel Snoop and Snag Squad?
Lv1. A Match with Snatch
Coco fills you in on the enigmatic Super Special Scoundrel Snoop and Snag Squad and asks for help getting ahold of Snatch.
Uh... sure...
Lv1. Onboarding Program
After you agree to join, Snatch asks you to visit Hounder and Coco.
Rewards for first completion:
Max HP +30