Basic Information
Type Sp
Story Branches 4
Monster Based EXP 10
Loyalty Points 20

Lv1. My First Astral Adventure

Cidharth leads you on your very first Astral Adventure! There, you meet the plucky Clarabelle, match-selling moppet extraordinaire, and become familiar with the in's and out's of these charming celestial crusades.
Related NPC
Story Branches
Lv1. My First Astral Adventure
What happens next? You'll have to click the question mark to find out!
How can I help?
Lv1. Hands Off!
Seems Clarabelle's gone to sell her matches elsewhere. Follow her and see what happens!
Teach the old man a lesson!
Lv1. Patience is a Virtue
Will Clarabelle's wish come true?
Uh... I'd like to buy some matches...
Lv1. Prepare for Trouble, and Make it a Puzzle
Catch up with Clarabelle and make sure she's all right.