Basic Information
Type Main Quests
Level 48
Achievement Points 100
Loyalty Points 10

Jungle Mortalis Conqueror

Complete the following quests in Battlefront - Jungle Mortalis:
Monday and Friday: all the quests taken from Zaida.
Tuesday and Saturday: all the quests taken from Kaya.
Wednesday and Sunday: all the quests taken from Jayne.
Thursday: all the quests taken
Quest Type
Lv55.咒法結界 Battlefront (Daily)
Lv55.返回聚落 Battlefront (Daily)
Lv55.遭遇巨魔之首 Battlefront (Daily)
Lv55.大規模毀滅攻擊 Battlefront (Daily)
Lv55.【五人】召喚分靈的儀式 Battlefront (Daily)